Imisigyio was the first community WILK helped in 2006. We were unable to provide food relief for Imisigiyio during the drought, but Joyce wanted to help this community of about 2,000 people. The women used to have to walk to Tanzania and wait at the back of the line for water because they were outsiders. This was an 8 km walk one-way.
Money was raised in 2007, including money from the local government’s Constituency Development Fund (CDF), for a 100,000-liter water storage tank. Public utility land designated for the borehole was large enough to be used as a community irrigation farm using borehole water. WILK partnered with community members to farm tomatoes, spinach, and cabbage so they could earn income that would sustain borehole expenses.
A borehole with a pump, generator, storage tank, and troughs. Water has been pumping steadily for use by the community and their livestock since early 2008. In 2010, the tank funded by the CDF cracked but was repaired.
Complete & Functioning
Life has changed for the better in Imisigiyio. Today, women can leave their homes, get water, and return all in an hour. Some ambitious Imisigiyio community members formed Imisigiyio Livestock Keepers Group and joined WILK’s Livestock as a Business Program (LAB) to become more skilled livestock farmers and manage the drought cycle more effectively.