Special Faces
Special Cases
WILK's Sponsorship Program
Sponsor a Kenyan in Need, Change a Life
A 2.5 year drought has devastated Southern Kenya, leaving countless families without money to pay school fees. For many, education and, with it, the hope of a bright future is becoming further and further out of reach.
In the wake of a 2.5 year drought, the following has happened throughout Southern Kenya:
Many livestock have died, causing families to lose income and dip into savings.
In search of pasture, men have travelled hundreds of kilometers away. Many haven’t contacted home in months.
Women are forced to be sole providers for their households, saving and sacrificing to save money for their children’s school fees.
Some men have returned to take their wives’ savings, leaving nothing remaining for school fees.
Many kids aren’t going to school because there’s no money at home. This cycle perpetuates hopelessness for mothers, their children, and entire communities.
- Schools, with students who haven’t paid their full school fees, are unable to provide enough food, so children are fainting every day.
With your help, we can change the story.

Now, Abigail Has A Future
Before Water is Life Kenya came to the Nooriro community in Kajiado Central, Abigail wasn’t at school like many of her friends–she was stuck at home. The drought situation had become so bad that her father, who was hundreds of kilometers away in search of pasture, returned home looking for cash. He took the money Abigail’s mom had saved up for school fees and left, leaving nothing for his wife or kids.
After hearing about this misfortune and feeling the heartbreak of Abigail’s family, a WILK donor stepped up to sponsor Abigail. Soon, she’ll be enrolling as a freshman at a vocational-technical secondary school nearby. She’s planning to study for two years to become a hair stylist, a job that will help bring income to her family. With Abigail going to school, her siblings might also have a chance to be educated.
“People like Abigail deserve a shot,” her sponsor said. “It’s not fair that a drought can ruin someone’s chances of being educated–and waste all those years of hard work her mother sacrificed to get her through school. The situation is tragic but I know WILK will make sure Abigail gets the money for school fees.”
Interested in sponsoring a Kenyan in need? Just email us at info@waterislifekenya.org to get started.
By The Numbers
How it Works
- Needy participants approach WILK and ask for help.
- WILK validates their needs and determines what the sponsorship is for, the amount needed, and how to appropriately designate funds.
- WILK registers candidate onto the Special Faces, Special Cases program waitlist.
- After deciding to sponsor a Kenyan in need, donors should email WILK at info@waterislifekenya.org stating your interest.
- Donors will be contacted by WILK and matched with a candidate to be sponsored. The needs of this individual and the determined amount, use, frequency, and specifics of the donation will be clarified.
- If necessary, alternate candidates can be provided upon request.
- Donors make the allotted contribution by either donating online to Water is Life Kenya and choosing the “Special Faces, Special Cases” designation, or by mailing a check to Water is Life Kenya.
- Sponsors and Special Faces, Special Cases candidates will be connected and regular communications will be facilitated by the WILK office for the duration of the sponsorship.