Water is Life Kenya
Giving Societies
Every year, our donors inspire us to reach new heights. Our legacy giving societies seek to offer special acknowledgement to our most special donors. Learn more about our giving societies by clicking the logos below.
Honoring Those who Dig Deep to Build Up WILK
A status reserved for our highest annual givers of $1,000 and above, the Kilimanjaro Club aims to climb the mountain of generosity to invest whole-heartedly in Water is Life Kenya’s mission. We are proud to have over 70 active club members.
Just as climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro takes a team, so, too, does establishing enduring support for our communities in Kenya. That’s what the Kilimanjaro Club demonstrates, both now and in the future.

Living for Others, Soaring Forever
The peak of Mt. Kilimanjaro is called Uhuru, which in Kiswahili means “Freedom.” Over the years, certain donors have shared that they want to honor WILK beyond their earthly life by including us in their will. We are so grateful for this remarkable demonstration of support and belief in our mission.
We are proud to begin honoring these exceptionally generous donors through the Uhuru Society, WILKs bequest society.
Gift & Estate Planning
By planning for your future, you can help secure ours. Especially if this work moves you, please consider including Water is Life Kenya in your will. Doing so not only continues your legacy of caring, but it ensures that the world will continue to get better when you move on to the next.
Consider the following options to establish & secure your legacy:
A gift in your will
You may consider using the following language to complete a gift in your will. Please be sure to consult your advisor. "I give the sum of $______ [or _____% of my estate] to Water is Life Kenya Inc."
An IRA charitable rollover
This would allow anyone 70 ½ or older to transfer up to $100,000 from any IRA to Water is Life Kenya and exclude the distribution from his or her income.
A gift of insurance
This would provide a current income tax charitable deduction when you make Water is Life Kenya the owner, as well as the beneficiary, of a life insurance policy.
A gift of retirement plan assets
To include WILK as the beneficiary of all or a portion of your IRA or 401(k) account, simply designate Water is Life Kenya Inc. on the appropriate beneficiary designation form(s). Our Tax ID number is 26-3185829. The gift takes effect only after your death and may help avoid taxes otherwise paid by your heirs.
A gift of appreciated property
Appreciated property, such as stock, provides an income tax charitable deduction for the fully appreciated value. You avoid capital gains tax on the appreciation of property that was purchased more than one year ago.
Contact Us
For inquiries about Legacy Giving or Gift & Estate Planning, please call or email us to explain your question.