Working Together
for Change that Lasts
Founded in 2007 by Joyce Tannian of Newark, Delaware & Joseph Larasha of Kenya, Water is Life Kenya (WILK) is a IRS designated 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated empowering the Maasai people of Southern Kenya through providing access to clean water, improved resource management, & supporting the most vulnerable.
WILK’s success has come from the power of relationships. Supported by our streamlined US team, our strong team in Kenya has worked in partnership with local residents from the beginning, resulting in 25 clean water projects, 600 LAB graduates, & dozens of communities empowered throughout Kajiado County.

Joyce Tannian
Co-Founder & Executive Director
Joyce is the heart and soul of Water is Life Kenya. Joyce spends most of her time in Kenya directing the day-to-day operations of WILK. Joyce not only designs water and livestock projects, she also loves creating beautiful jewelry. Joyce continues to inspire us all with her passion to serve others.
Joseph Larasha
Co-Founder & Project Manager
Joseph Larasha is a Maasai elder who grew up and still lives year round in the project area. He is our main-man in the field. He comes from the Amboseli area and has both a deep understanding of and good relationships with the communities we serve. He has been to the US twice now and is amazed at the abundance of green grass and considers how his livestock would flourish in this environment.

The Kenya Team

Stephen Musyoki
Beaded Handicraft Workshop Manager

Nelson Tinayo
Field Officer
Nelson first encountered WILK as a member of one of the pilot groups which started in WILK’s Livestock as a Business Program. He proved himself to be a strong leader of the Amboseli Livestock Farmer Group and has provided invaluable assistance with conducting baseline questionnaires, doing interviews before WILK starts projects. He now manages the monitoring of WILK’S existing water projects

Cate Olegei
Field Officer
Cate Olegei is our Kenyan Hope for Widows (HFW) Program Coordinator, business lady, and bead artisan. As lead teacher in the HFW program, Cate supervises a group of four field assistants who monitor the widows each week. We asked her if any of her team had tried out business for themselves. Cate wasn’t sure about them, but she started her own business.
Now, Cate has a shop in her hometown of Lenkisem where she sells foodstuffs and beading supplies. She even employs a young lady to run the shop when she is out teaching for WILK. She took on this new portfolio last July and rose to the occasion!
The U.S. Team

Aaron Lemma
Outreach & Operations Manager
Aaron is a leader with a passion for the natural world, efficient systems, and communicating important concepts across generations, demographics, and continents. After completing the Alliance for Catholic Education at Saint Joseph’s University, Aaron has jumped into Water is Life Kenya ready to increase donor pools and develop key relationships, all to ensure this critical work of empowering indigenous communities in Kenya continues into the future.
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Paula Persoleo
Office Administrator, Writer