Iltuati Livestock Farmers Self Help Group
This is a group of 16 young men from age 16-26 based around Ilmarba, also attracted to join by strength of Ilmarba group’s example. They are led by the chief of the warriors, who is the first chief of warriors in the area to have graduated from high school. It is traditional at the inauguration ceremony of chief to give a gift. When Larasha, WILK project manager, presented his gift to the new chief, he told him – “it’s not money, because that can be used up, it’s not food, because that can be eaten, but the gift of knowledge. Form a group of interested warriors and we can train you and your group in better ways of keeping your livestock.”

Inkaramatak Olningo Women Group
Oshumu Group
From Ilkangere, Cultural Village number 5 in Amboseli, this group of 13 business ladies and men have shown themselves to be savvy livestock keepers and traders. As we were working on the Enkong’u Narok borehole, we met the leaders of Ilkangere. We shared about the training in livestock disease control and improved livestock breeds. They aggressively pursued the chance to join WILK’s Livestock as a Business program as soon as they heard we were taking new groups.
Oshumu Group has shown that they have learned the lesson of risk management. In 2016 they saw signs of an outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease and made sure to sell their livestock before their animals contracted it. They made a tidy profit. The 2016-17 cycle, they observed the drought conditions and decided not to risk taking the livestock loan from WILK, in case they would be unable to keep cows in good condition and repay the loan.