Our Water is Life Kenya (WILK) team is excited to announce our groundbreaking partnership with Global Linkages, Inc.! This remarkable group will be fundraising to bring a deep borehole well to the Olmoti community, near Amboseli National Park. Olmoti is another community in Kajiado County, Kenya, devastated by the three-year-long drought. Although it’s finally rained the past few months, the problems faced by the people who live there still exist. Together, we hope to raise enough money to establish a sustainable, fresh water source for the Olmoti community.
We’d like to introduce you to Global Linkages as well as tell you more about our goals for this project.

Linking People to Africa
Founded in 1997 and based in the NJ-NYC metropolitan area, Global Linkages, Inc. is a management consulting firm that specializes in developing partnerships between the United States and the African continent with a particular focus on the African Diaspora.
As part of its services, Global Linkages provides a “boutique travel experience” that connects individuals, educational institutions, governments, businesses, and community development organizations with unique and exciting explorations in Africa. The goal is to provide an immersive experience that goes beyond traditional tourism by building deep relationships with the communities that they visit. Groups have traveled to Ghana, South Africa, Morocco, Senegal, and, in 2022, Kenya and Tanzania.
Lorna Johnson, owner of Global Linkages, has coordinated both state trade missions as well as community development tours to various African countries. She gives travelers a lasting experience by performing service projects while they’re abroad. Her focus is on organizations whose work includes international and global interests.

“We Want to Help”
In 2022, Global Linkages organized two tours to Kenya. During an East African Tour, a partnership was established with members of Olmoti, a Maasai community near Amboseli National Park in Kenya.
This community has many needs, and after seeing their situation travelers decided to help them. The initial request was to provide school supplies and sneakers for children, and over 160 pairs of shoes were shared. However, it soon became clear that more help was needed. As travelers rode through the towns and countryside, they saw dry, red dust everywhere but very little green vegetation.
Maasai tour guides described how the lack of water was killing their cattle and, with them, entire livelihoods. One family’s herd which was 60 heads of cattle—assets that essentially act as bank accounts—was reduced to 3 during the drought. Men traveled hundreds of miles away to find pasture, which stressed families tremendously.
After her two trips to Kenya, she realized Global Linkages could do more work to help the people they visited. After learning about the work we do at WILK, Lorna reached out to us to work together and bring a stable water source to Olmoti. Together, we decided a borehole project would be the most beneficial resource for this community.

Olmoti, Global Linkages, and WILK
Over the years, WILK has discovered that partnering with a strong community will make our projects more successful. Olmoti is an active community with good leadership that’s committed to serving its members. However, it’s located in the pathway of the Great Migration, which means dangerous wildlife inhibits water collection outside of the area. A borehole within the community would help people have direct access to clean water while preventing women and their daughters from encountering lions and other potential threats.
Wells in this region are incredibly deep and, therefore, elephant-proofed. Because of this extra precaution, the cost of this project is $100,000 USD. An investment in this community will secure not only their survival but also their self-reliance. By involving the Olmoti community—especially the women—at every step of this process, we’re ensuring this valuable water resource will be used, maintained, and respected for generations to come.
Both Global Linkages and WILK believe in partnering with local communities to help them become self-sufficient. We’re so happy to be working with Global Linkages while also helping the Olmoti community. To learn more and support this project, you can donate directly to the Global Linkages Water Project Campaign.