LAB 2020 Program

Oloirien Olgulului Widows Women's Group
15 women – very experienced women since, as widows, they are the head of their families. They have to handle so many things and are benefiting from learning how to plan pasture for drought as they learned about Drought Cycle Management, as well as proper methods of spraying against ticks and other disease prevention measures.
Inkaisotuak Iltuleta Women's Group
21 women, young and old, they are excited to gain knowledge and skills. Very organized, always on time. They went back home after meetings brimming with all the things they learned, like how to work together as a group, controlling livestock diseases, managing their pastures. Their husbands and sons decided they needed this knowledge too and started coming to trainings, and now are applying to be in the program with their own groups.